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"To mine your gifts asks that you claim what was forbidden. For within that territory resides the power and origin of the courageous expression of your soul that knows the purpose for which you are living.

~ Awaken in Your Jeweled Essence



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Kim Lincoln is the founder of the Terrain of Essence Teachings, a spiritual school of embodied consciousness and mystical wisdom. She has entailed nearly 50 years of in-depth therapies, trainings, and her own personal work to reconnect with trusting the truth and living her passion. It was through a Near Death Experience at age 18 that she was shown her life work. As a long time student of A.H. Almaas she was partnered to Faisal Muqaddam, the co-developer of the Diamond Approach, a wisdom path of consciousness and liberation, with whom she traveled worldwide to mentor retreat participants in their experiential processes. And trained in Kathy Kain's Touch Skills Training for trauma recovery now included in Peter Levine's Somatic Experiencing Institute. Kim's interests have led her into cutting edge systems of bodywork, subtle energy work and spiritual practices bridging numerous denominations. The heart of her offerings are to teach people how to reconnect with their mind-body, heart and soul, and to live a fulfilling life respectful of all.



My greatest joy is guiding you to know your true self. As a mystic and healing arts professional I will assist you in ways of perceiving the benevolent support of Grace that rests below experiences of trauma, hurt, pain, uncertainty, and loss. Through navigating the terrain of your soul’s essences, you will awaken in the jeweled brilliance and intrinsic wisdom from the sacred heart of your soul.


The more you learn to trust the loving truth the freer you will be. Where most work ends this body of teaching begins. For the domain of your soul reveals the subtler anatomy of your angelic nature; the indwelling light of your spirit. It is here that self-mastery begins.


I am an author, spiritual teacher, and founder of the The Terrain Of Essence Teachings, bridging mysticism, science, esoteric psychology, trauma, and embodied wisdom. 


My courses, community gatherings, books and music offer tools that enable the courage to express the passion of your soul and live your life authentically. The gift should you be willing to receive it ~ is as you grow, others grow, together creating a better world for all.


Students continuously tell me how seen and heard they feel in the safety of my presence. If a supportive community for your self growth is calling to you, then look around my website at the variety of offerings and Contact me.


Welcome ~ I look forward to meeting you.


                                          My Love, Kim


Photo Credit: Anna Taylor

Teaching people how to access

their true essence to balance

their mind-body-heart and soul.

Kim Lincoln





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